AppProvider API
API reference docs for the React AppProvider component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.
import { AppProvider } from '@toolpad/core/AppProvider';
// or
import { AppProvider } from '@toolpad/core';
import { NextAppProvider } from '@toolpad/core/nextjs'; // Next.js
import { ReactRouterAppProvider } from '@toolpad/core/react-router'; // React Router
Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.
Props of the native component are also available.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
children* | node | - | The content of the app provider. |
authentication | { signIn: func, signOut: func } | null | Authentication methods. |
branding | { homeUrl?: string, logo?: node, title?: string } | null | Branding options for the app. |
localeText | object | - | Locale text for components |
navigation | Array<{ action?: node, children?: Array<object | { kind: 'header', title: string } | { kind: 'divider' }>, icon?: node, kind?: 'page', pattern?: string, segment?: string, title?: string } | { kind: 'header', title: string } | { kind: 'divider' }> | [] | Navigation definition for the app. Find out more. |
router | { Link?: func, navigate: func, pathname: string, searchParams: URLSearchParams } | null | Router implementation used inside Toolpad components. |
session | { user?: { email?: string, id?: string, image?: string, name?: string } } | null | Session info about the current user. |
theme | object | createTheme() | Theme or themes to be used by the app in light/dark mode. A CSS variables theme is recommended. |
window | object | window | The window where the application is rendered. This is needed when rendering the app inside an iframe, for example. |
Source code
If you did not find the information in this page, consider having a look at the implementation of the component for more detail.